Want to work with Steve & his team?
Have a read below and see if this is what you're looking for
People who are active in property, who are currently investing or want to get very actively involved.
People with an income stream already who really want to turn it into quality income-producing assets.
People who want to eliminate the time-for-money life, add regular truly passive income to their portfolios, and join the top 2% of investors.
People who value helping others and contributing to their marketplace just as much as they value making money.
People who know their portfolios can grow, and who are willing to work to make that happen.
People who are already successful, and want to double their income & their time off.
People who will work their ass off for a few short years and take it easy 'choosing' what they do for the rest of their lives.
People who are just in this for the money, and don’t care about the results that all members of the group get.
People who use deceptive practices, or smell dodgy in any way.
People who are just getting started, and haven’t done anything yet but we can talk about other great coaching options for you
Shane Carruthers
Nexus Property
First, you’ll need to enter your REAL email address below.
You'll then have the opportunity to book a 15 minute call. This call will allow my team to see if we're the right fit and I can actually help you succeed.
I don’t work with people unless I know I can help them to win (watch my video after booking your call).
I will also be asking you some questions on a short application form. Be honest. I don’t do bullshit – neither should you. I can only coach you powerfully if you are clear on where you are and where you want to go. I don’t do fluff.
One, I’ll decide we’re not a good match and I’ll let you know politely. Or two, I’ll decide we MIGHT be a good match and someone from my office will schedule a call to see if we really are.
Nobody will pressure you or hassle you. If you want in, great. If not, no problem. I only work with a limited number of clients at a time and we both have to want to work together.
Coaching with me is fully virtual using the phone and with my team and we are starting to introduce live private events.
I’m only looking for high-performers to work with. I’ll review applications on a first come, first-serve basis (note clients renew each year so spots get more and more limited).